Advantages of Virtual Interviews

Recruitment is badly impacted by the current coronavirus situation. The overall hiring sentiment in the country is likely to witness an adverse impact in the short term with 60-65 percent interviews getting delayed.  The loss is disastrous.  But companies are still trying to stand strong and endure this phase. Virtual interviews! Online and live coding tests, companies are trying to operate in a natural fashion. 

Surprisingly, video chat apps have got an unexpected boost from coronavirus. Zoom, a popular video chat app, has seen its daily downloads surge to over 500,000 in recent weeks, up from about 9,000 in early February. 

Microsoft sees 12 million new users on Teams in the complete WFH setup.  There is a constant increase in WhatsApp video calling as well.  To cope up with the demand of users, WhatsApp is all set to increase group call limit up to 7  participants.  

Here are some unexpected benefits of Virtual interviews that will make you love the process:)

Speeds Up Your Recruitment Process: 

The average time to hire a software developer varies from company to company. According to research, it takes as long as 95 days to hire.  But Video interview opens a completely new hiring experience for both candidate and recruiter.  You save yourself from the hassle of finding a free meeting room and asking the candidate to wait. You can start interviewing the candidate as soon as you get connected.  

To serve our clients better BigShyft has partnered with Monjin- digital interviewing and assessment platform. Most of our clients have moved towards virtual interviews. If you are working from home and want to conduct video interviews and increase productivity. We are willing to invest in your safety.  Click here to know more! 

Tracking Performance Is Easier

One of the most beneficial things in video interviews is that it improves the quality of hire. You may analyze the candidate more deeply by going back to the video recording. You can see how a candidate responded to a certain technical question or how many candidates have commonalities or who is unique among all the applicants. It gives you an opportunity to review a candidate’s confidence, presentation & design skills. 

Reducing the number of no-shows

How disappointing it gets when you schedule an interview with a hiring manager & all you get in return is no-shows. This is a hard feeling for recruiters. Isn’t it? 

Video interviews save you from going into distress with no-shows as candidates who are genuinely interested in the role will take the pain to set up a video interview. You can judge a candidate better as who is willing to take charge. 

Refresh your job description style

Video interviews give you a chance to be more creative in EVP (Employee Value Proposition.)  You can make your job description more communicative by making a presentation or a video of a hiring manager highlighting the responsibilities. You can publish this on your social media or show this to the selected candidates. 

Active hiring

Coronavirus has impacted all businesses in one or another way. Many companies have paused hiring for a moment but if your company is active in hiring in such a hard time is itself an achievement. It truly epitomizes the spirit of the show must go on. It gives an impression to your prospective employee that whatever the situation,  their future organization is here to support. It builds confidence in the mind of a candidate and this will help you in getting more candidates in the future via referrals or verbal marketing. 

Don’t worry. Stay strong and productive. As the saying goes; 

“The show must go on
I’ll face it with a grin
I’m never giving in…”